Responses to Conflict

Note on Responses to Conflict by Legum

Responses to Conflict


Various people respond differently to conflict. Whenever there is a conflict, people may respond in the following ways: avoidance, accommodation, competition, collaboration, and compromising. The choice of a response is often influence by several factors which are all discussed in this note.

1. Avoidance as a Response to Conflict:

A. Meaning:

Here, the parties simply avoid exploring options to resolve their conflict. Thus, they refuse to engage in negotiation, mediation, or other processes of resolving disputes.

B. When People Choose Avoidance:

i. The issues are not important.

  1. Even if they are important, there are more pressing issues to tackle.
  2. Attempting to resolve the dispute may aggravate it.
  3. There is a recognition that tempers need to get calm before there is an attempt at a resolution.
  4. When parties do not see the possibility of getting their concerns met.
  5. When more information is needed.

C. Effect on the Conflict:

The avoidance response generally results in a lose-lose situation or a situation where there are no winners and no losers. It may also result in worsening the conflict.

2. Accommodation as a Response to Conflict:

A. Meaning:

Here, one party simply gives in to the opposing party without expecting anything in return. Thus, after recognising the incompatibility in interests, one party allows the other party to fully fulfil his interest and have his way.

B. When People Choose Accommodation:

  1. A party finds out that he is wrong.
  2. A party wishes to be seen as reasonable.
  3. A party wishes to build goodwill for later issues. Here, the party concedes now, hoping that the other party will concede in subsequent disputes. A party may thus prefer to lose now to win later.
  4. A party prioritises harmony and stability.
  5. A party wishes to minimise his losses.
  6. There cannot be a resolution if one party does not accommodate.

C. Effect on the Conflict:

This can bring an end to the conflict as one’s competing interests are suppressed/eliminated for another’s.

3. Competition as a Response to Conflict:

A. Meaning:

This is opposite to accommodation. Here, a party actively acts to obtain gain for himself at the expense of other parties with competing interests.

B. When People Choose Competition:

  1. A party believes he is right.
  2. A party is aware that the other party will take advantage of his co-operative behaviour.
  3. The other party has a reputation for hard negotiation.

C. Effect on the Conflict:

This may resolve the immediate conflict, but the party whose interests have been suppressed may retaliate.

In addition, this can result in the escalation of the conflict if there is pushback from the other party.

This also leads to the destruction of relationships as the other party may feel cheated.

4. Collaboration as a Response to Conflict:

A. Meaning:

This is a win-win approach where the parties work together to fulfil their interests to the greatest extent possible. Here, one party does not sacrifice his interests for another, nor does he try to suppress the interests of the other party. Instead, he works together with the other party to ensure that their interests are realised to the greatest extent possible.

B. When People Choose Collaboration:

  1. There is a high level of trust between the parties.
  2. The issues are too important to be compromised.
  3. The parties have adequate time to walk through the issues.
  4. The topic is too important to consider alternative responses.
  5. Both parties are willing to work together to solve the issue.

C. Effect on the Conflict:

This is often considered the best response to conflict as the interests of the parties are realised to the greatest extent possible. It is thus a win-win situation.

5. Compromising as a Response to Conflict:

A. Meaning:

Here, a party seeks to fulfil some interests while allowing the other party to also fulfil some of his interests. The parties attempt to find a middle ground and are willing to make concessions. Thus, they both win something and lose something.

B. When People Choose to Comprise:

  1. People of equal status and bargaining power are equally committed to realising their interests.
  2. There is no solution that pleases both parties.

C. Effect on the Conflict:

This response allows each party to win something and may resolve the conflict but leaves a party dissatisfied.


